Living With Data @ the 4th International Data Power conference, June 2022
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Living With Data team members put together a panel for the 4th international Data Power
conference which took place 22nd to 24th June, face-to-face and online, in the three locations that had
hosted the previous three conferences: Sheffield/UK, Ottawa/Canada and Bremen/Germany.
The panel presented some of the main findings from Living With Data research. We were delighted
that Advisory Group member Aidan Peppin from the Ada Lovelace Institute joined us to reflect on
the policy implications of the findings that we discussed.

After an introduction to Living With Data, the panel included the following sections:
- Unpacking understanding: Susan Oman outlined why understanding matters, different types
and formulations of understanding, and how this all relates to our work on Living With Data
- The role of imagining in understanding data uses: Hannah Ditchfield discussed the multiple
ways that imaginings shaped our participants’ perceptions of data uses
- Critical transparency principles: this section summarised work led by Jo Bates, which we
hope will be appearing soon in the form of a journal article
- Inequalities everywhere: Helen Kennedy summarised how all of the various aspects of LWD
research are shaped by our commitment to researching social inequalities
- What LWD research tells us for public policy, by Aidan Peppin.
We had a great discussion with our IRL and virtual audience which helped shape our thinking, and
we’re looking forward to writing up our findings very soon.