LWD data archive

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Living With Data research has produced lots of data!

We were fortunate to receive funding from a University of Sheffield scheme called Unleash your data and software! to enable us to prepare and archive our data according to FAIR principles – that is, ensuring that it is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Some of our survey, focus group and interview data has now been archived in ORDA, the University of Sheffield’s data archive. The LWD data archive can be found here. The full reference for it is:

Kennedy, Helen; Oman, Susan; Ditchfield, Hannah; Taylor, Mark; Bates, Jo; Medina Perea, Itzelle; Fratczak, Monika (2022): Living With Data research. The University of Sheffield. Collection. doi.org/10.15131/shef.data.c.6122043

We have consent to share our qualitative data with authorised researchers only. Therefore, researchers wishing to access the data need to contact us as stipulated in the data archive. This is in order to comply with permissions to use and archive data that participants gave us when they participated in our research. Please do not reshare the data and delete the files after using it.

The data is archived under a CC-BY licence.

Archiving research data well, ethically and in compliance with legal and best practice guidelines is hard! Watch out for a blog post reflecting on lessons learned, coming out soon.