Living With Data roundup

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16 Dec 2021 News

The Living With Data team is in the final stretch of our research.

A second survey is underway…

and we have done lots of the coding of our focus group and interview data, with some really interesting themes emerging

– about knowledge, understanding, awareness, imagination, fairness, inequality, what is personal data vs what feels personal, and the value of tangents and digressions.

We are lucky to have the support of an excellent Advisory Group who have continued to advise us throughout the pandemic, and a patient funder, The Nuffield Foundation, which supported our adaptations due to COVID, including funding a second survey, to explore change over time and enrich our project.

In 2022, we will turn our attention to sharing our findings with and engaging the diverse stakeholder groups who might be interested in what we have learnt. Our Advisory Group has been especially helpful in our thinking about who to reach out to and how to reach them.

We look forward to sharing our findings soon! Watch this space