Animation of a data use: what happens to data on the BBC Own It app
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This animation showcases one of the data uses that we mapped on Living With Data, BBC Own It. Own It is a free app designed by the BBC to support, help and advise children when they use their phones to chat and explore the online world, without adult supervision. At the end, we invite you to let us know if you feel you understand how data is used in Own It, whether you were surprised to find out about it, and whether you would be comfortable using Own It, or with a child you know using Own It.
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To find out more about the thinking behind BBC Own It, check out these blogposts:
Howard, J (2019) ‘Own It, The App: Six Technical Challenges’. BBC Blogpost.
Available at:
Howard, J (2020) ‘Own It: Wellbeing and Isolation update’. BBC Blogpost.
Available at:
Or, you can download a PDF of how Own It works.
This animation was produced as part of Understanding Society: A Festival of Social Science at the University of Sheffield, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Visit the Festival website to find out more about it and view other exhibits.
Research to find out how Own It works that was undertaken by Dr Jo Bates, Dr Susan Oman, and Dr Itzelle Medina-Perea. Lulu Pinney produced the visuals for this animation, and the team at Eyedea Studio produced the animation.